Monday, November 4, 2019

5 Signs That You Need Hot Water Repairs

hot water repairs sydney

It would be nice to have a water heater at home and never to replace it again. But that does not happen in reality. With regular use of your home's appliances and systems wear out, you need to repair or purchase a new one. When the time comes, your water heater will send you warning signs that you need hot water repairs Sydney. Unless you are a plumber, these signs are not always easy to notice.

Don't fret; we have decoded these warning signs for you. Here are the common signs that you need hot water repairs.

The Age of your Water Heater

Just like any other system in your house, the hot water system will wear too. The average lifespan of a water heater is between 6 to 12 years. By the time it reaches the age of 10, it will start to show signs of wear. If you don't know how old your water heater is, you can check its serial number. The date of manufacture is included in the serial numbers. The first letter stands for the month, and the next two numbers is the year it was made.

There is a Leak on the Tank

If you see water pits around the water heater, it is a sign of leakage. It's time to call the plumber for hot water repairs or replacement. You see, when the tank heats up, it expands the metal. Regular expanding and contracting from cooling and heating of the tank can lead to cracks on the metal. Another source of the leak could be the pressure valve. The valve is vital because it prevents the tank from exploding by releasing heat and pressure. Both issues need an expert's attention.

The Water has a Rusty Color

hot water repairs

When you open the tap and see a rusty looking water, it is a sign that your water heater has a problem. The water heater tank is made from metal. You'd be surprised that it has disintegrated till now when it has constant contact with water. Thanks to the anode rod place on top of the tank that rusts faster than the metal in your water heater. If you see rusty water, it could be the anode rod that needs replacement.

Hearing Strange Noises from the Tank

If you hear a loud noise coming from the tank of your water heater, it is a sign of a problem. The water coming into the tank for heating can contain minerals that form sediments. Over time it becomes hard to heat the water because there is a layer between the water and the heating element. This causes the system to work hard. The noises could be coming from the sediments that are jostled around when the water is heating. So, when you've got strange noises from your tank, call an expert for hot water repairs.

No Hot Water

If you open your tap and found no hot water coming out, your system has a problem. You can check its warranty if it has any for repair or replacement. You can call a plumber to check on your hot water system to look into the problem.

hot water system

The hot water system is essential in a home, and when it fails, you need to call an expert to do the necessary repairs. In Sydney, Sirrom Electrical offers hot water repairs with 100% satisfaction.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Essential Facts You Need to Know About Level 2 Electrician

level 2 electrician Hawkesbury

Are you wondering what a Level 2 Electrician is? What is its difference from an ordinary licensed electrician? Well, a level 2 electrician Hawkesbury has the certification and the requirements necessary for them to install, repair and maintain both the overhead and underground service lines that connect your home to the electricity network of the electricity provider. In NSW, electrician level 2 is authorized to work on electrical service networks like Endeavor Energy and Ausgrid. They can also handle metering and live wire connections following the Australian Wiring Rules and Regulations.

The Services Provided by Level 2 Electricians

A level 2 electrician is highly skilled and experts in its field. They had more qualifications than ordinary electricians to do technical electrical work. Some of their services may include:

  • They are responsible for the Installation of connecting services lines to the main network. They also ensure that such connections are live.
  • They install, repair, and maintain both the underground and overhead service lines connecting from the electricity network to the electrical wiring in the properties.
  • The install electricity metering equipment.
  • They can also assist in installing the power pole and its repair. A level 2 electrician can also provide temporary power supply during construction, repair defects, do switchboard upgrades, and do general electrical works.
  • They are also authorized by energy providers to disconnect the properties from the network.
  • They can also perform inspections to make sure that the premises are abiding by the Australian standards.
  • They can do upgrades on the property owner's outlet mains, do upgrades from single phase to 3-phase and install poles and relocate points of attachment.

The Importance of Level 2 Electricians

Certified level 2 electricians are the only electricians authorized by the electrical service provider to handle live wires and metering equipment. In New South Wales, nobody is allowed to carry out major electrical works unless they have the appropriate qualifications. Therefore, if you need an electrician to install power poles, the only way is to hire a level 2 electrician. Or else, your property will be at risk not passing the housing or building inspections due to non-compliance.

If a tree falls on a power line in your premises during a storm, call a level 2 electrician. Some homeowners who are receiving substantial utility bills may want reassurance; they need a level 2 electrician to conduct an inspection. There might be some hot joints on the switchboards that need fixing, which is not detected by an ordinary electrician.

There are instances when an electrical provider might issue a notice to fix a defect. Or when you smell something burning, and it has something to do with electricity. In both instances, you need to call for a level 2 electrician. Power supply upgrades to use more electricity when you have more air conditioning systems or machinery also requires more expertise than an ordinary electrician is not licensed to do.

Looking for a Level 2 Electrician? Try Sirrom Electrical. Their service goes above and beyond an average electrician.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why Do You Need an Electrician for Power Pole Installation?

power pole installation sydney

Some homeowners would prefer to install private power poles on their properties. The power poles serve as an alternative to the conventional street poles for your power supply. It serves as a point of connection from the house to the public power supply. Power pole installation Sydney is done by connecting cables from the network pole and running them to the private poles inside your property. It provides aesthetics by removing the unsightly wires running in the property and creates a safer environment along the roads, pathways, and the surrounding trees.

The Importance of  Power Poles

When you call an electrician to inspect your electrical system, they will determine whether the location of a point of attachment, where the cables in your house are attached, is unsafe to use. They will recommend for pole installation to ensure that the connections of the electrical supply is safe and does not pose any threat to the walkways, surrounding roads, and vegetation.

For other homeowners, installation of power poles can be for aesthetic reasons. When many cables are running overhead, the sight can be unattractive. By installing power poles, it can remove the unappealing wires that are running in front of the house and can be in the way of the trees and other plants.

Certified Electricians to Install Power Poles

Getting the best and professional electrician for power pole installation Sydney is the best course of action. It takes an experienced electrician to know how to go about the process in the most time-saving manner. Often, electrical contractors will include a host of services aside from pole installation. This way, you don’t have to talk to many electricians to complete the system.

Most professional electricians will explain the process to you and see to it that you will have a good overview of the project that they will undertake in the next few weeks. Power poles come in two choices: timber or steel. Aside from installations, these poles will need regular maintenance and inspection.
electrical power pole installation

The Difference Between Timber and Steel Poles

There are advantages and disadvantages connected to each pole. The surrounding terrain, weather conditions, and other environmental factors can be points of consideration when choosing between the two poles.

Timber Poles
This type of pole has a longer lifetime than steel poles and can generally last for more than 30 years. They also have better quality than steel poles. However, there are conditions where a timber pole will not be ideal. For one, if there is a termite mound present or close to the property, there could be a risk of infestation. Another reason not to choose timber is when the property is near the coastal area, or there is a high moisture level. These conditions can cause the timber pole to rot.

Steel Poles
Another type of pole to choose from is steel. It generally lasts up to 15 years and requires regular maintenance. In recent years, steel poles have become famous for some reason. Steel poles, when erected in the property, can be painted and matches with the surroundings. This might be the reason why the homeowner chose them. Another reason might be because it is not prone to rotting or decaying, particularly along with the coastal areas.  

Installation and Maintenance

Installation of power poles needs a qualified electrical contractor like Sirrom Electrical. They have qualified electricians who are licensed to do the work and perform regular maintenance on power poles. Call them today at 0418968783 for all your pole installation needs.


Monday, September 23, 2019

When to Call for Hot Water System Repairs in Sydney

The hot water system is an essential equipment in cold weather conditions. When the hot water system stops working, it can be problematic because you may not want to take cold showers every frigid morning. The cost of buying and installing a new hot water system is already a substantial investment, and the idea of replacing it with a new one can be a burden for most homeowners.

So, what can be the solution to this unfortunate situation? The answer is hot water repair Sydney because you may not be required to replace the whole system. A small repair can be enough to fix the glitch. However, it is best to thoroughly check the equipment if repairs or replacement can be done before making the final decision.

What can make your Hot Water System malfunction?

The choice for choosing the contractor for hot water repairs depends on the extent of its damage. Most plumbing companies offer this type of service, particularly for common problems like an interruption of power or gas supply to the device. When this happens, the system will not be able to supply hot water adequately.

Another reason for the water heating system not to work correctly is when there is no regular supply of water. Inadequate supply of water will make it difficult for the system to provide consistent hot water.

Another reason for hot water repair Sydney is when leakage or weird smell is coming from the system when it is turned on. The leakage can be because of cracks in the pipes connected to the heater. The scent may be a result of dirty water supply or the electric supply being fused or short. With all these possible factors in mind, you should make sure that you or somebody check the system regularly.

What to check when the Hot Water System stops Working?

The first thing you have to check when your hot water system stops working is your electrical or water supply. You have to make sure that there is no problem with your source. Many times, the problem with the heater is the pressure of the water. You can check not only the electrical or water supply is the pressure. After you are sure that the water and power supply is fine, the next thing to check is the temperature control of the machine.

An issue with the temperature control may dispense extremely hot water or may not dispense hot water at all. If the problem is the weird smell coming out of the water heater when turned on, check both the pipe connections and the electrical connections. One problem can be. Cracks in the water pipes or wires can cause the water heater to malfunction. Make sure that it is secure and safe and will not cause any harm to the people that will use them.

When to Repair or Replace?

The mode of repair for the water heater can be determined after a thorough inspection of the machine. But this should be done only by a legitimate specialist. Most of the time, a small repair can make the system to work correctly again. But there are situations when a simple fix will not do. A professional specializing in hot water repairs Sydney can determine the best solution.

In Sydney, Sirrom Electrical offers hot water repairs and replacement. You can get in touch with for the same-day repair of any hot water system.

5 Signs That You Need Hot Water Repairs

It would be nice to have a water heater at home and never to replace it again. But that does not happen in reality. With regular use of y...