Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why Do You Need an Electrician for Power Pole Installation?

power pole installation sydney

Some homeowners would prefer to install private power poles on their properties. The power poles serve as an alternative to the conventional street poles for your power supply. It serves as a point of connection from the house to the public power supply. Power pole installation Sydney is done by connecting cables from the network pole and running them to the private poles inside your property. It provides aesthetics by removing the unsightly wires running in the property and creates a safer environment along the roads, pathways, and the surrounding trees.

The Importance of  Power Poles

When you call an electrician to inspect your electrical system, they will determine whether the location of a point of attachment, where the cables in your house are attached, is unsafe to use. They will recommend for pole installation to ensure that the connections of the electrical supply is safe and does not pose any threat to the walkways, surrounding roads, and vegetation.

For other homeowners, installation of power poles can be for aesthetic reasons. When many cables are running overhead, the sight can be unattractive. By installing power poles, it can remove the unappealing wires that are running in front of the house and can be in the way of the trees and other plants.

Certified Electricians to Install Power Poles

Getting the best and professional electrician for power pole installation Sydney is the best course of action. It takes an experienced electrician to know how to go about the process in the most time-saving manner. Often, electrical contractors will include a host of services aside from pole installation. This way, you don’t have to talk to many electricians to complete the system.

Most professional electricians will explain the process to you and see to it that you will have a good overview of the project that they will undertake in the next few weeks. Power poles come in two choices: timber or steel. Aside from installations, these poles will need regular maintenance and inspection.
electrical power pole installation

The Difference Between Timber and Steel Poles

There are advantages and disadvantages connected to each pole. The surrounding terrain, weather conditions, and other environmental factors can be points of consideration when choosing between the two poles.

Timber Poles
This type of pole has a longer lifetime than steel poles and can generally last for more than 30 years. They also have better quality than steel poles. However, there are conditions where a timber pole will not be ideal. For one, if there is a termite mound present or close to the property, there could be a risk of infestation. Another reason not to choose timber is when the property is near the coastal area, or there is a high moisture level. These conditions can cause the timber pole to rot.

Steel Poles
Another type of pole to choose from is steel. It generally lasts up to 15 years and requires regular maintenance. In recent years, steel poles have become famous for some reason. Steel poles, when erected in the property, can be painted and matches with the surroundings. This might be the reason why the homeowner chose them. Another reason might be because it is not prone to rotting or decaying, particularly along with the coastal areas.  

Installation and Maintenance

Installation of power poles needs a qualified electrical contractor like Sirrom Electrical. They have qualified electricians who are licensed to do the work and perform regular maintenance on power poles. Call them today at 0418968783 for all your pole installation needs.


1 comment:

  1. Integrum Power Group Services has been providing private power pole installation & replacements in Sydney for over 20 years. Visit our website today!


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